its something magnificent about the night-time rain it calls to me as every individual rain drops its speaking its name in octaves of musical notes in hopes to find standing waters its son and its daughters from the heavens beyond space. it finds its place to be consumed by vegetation its substance brings life  and creation it rejuvenate’s the land. Its something magnificent about the night-time rain oh how can I explain it cools you off on hot and muggy days the birds gather in it and play the flowers bloom in delight a metamorphosis takes place in the black of a rainy night how can one for get the glorious breeze  of the night-time rain so refreshing and invigorating its something magnificent about the night-time rain so hypnotizing invoking emotions of relaxation and glee it put most of us too  sleep but not me I listen to its many different  notes fall over roof tops rolling off of rocks dripping into puddles with an ongoing flow ever tried  to count the rain drops I’ll bet you’ll be asleep before they stop my gifts our uncountable like the multitude of rain drops its something magnificent about free thought writing with my windows open hearing the rain drops fall i’m compelled to write to it like a songwriter with a beat because its something magnificent about the night-time rain……Perfectblack

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